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Library Access for Volunteer Faculty : Welcome

Details about how to access library resources and services as a volunteer faculty member or preceptor.

Services for Preceptors

Welcome to the UToledo family of preceptors!  At the Mulford Health Science Library, we are happy to be able to provide you access to information resources and services.

First things first: you need to be registered with University  Libraries:

  • AHEC faculty should be registered automatically and can log in to subscription resources when promoted with name and rocket number.  If you are a preceptor and need log in assistance, email AHEC staff person Kathy Oberhauser ( with your name and email.
  • Non-AHEC Volunteer faculty (and some other College of Medicine employees**) are not auto-loaded into our database.
    To be loaded in the database

    • If you cannot remember your assigned Rocket ID number (to access library resources) contact the UToledo Office of Faculty Affairs at 419-383-4457. The Library is not permitted to give out Rocket ID numbers.
    • Follow instructions for submission
    • Questions? Contact information is in the above form

      **As emeritus faculty members, visiting faculty members, people doing research at the hospital

If you have any questions about access to resources or about our services, please contact reference at 418.383.4214,

What are your students reading?

A list of the textbooks used in the third and fourth year of our medical school may help you in recommending reading and sources to your students. If access to the prefered text is possible though our e-book collection a link is included. If not, an equivalent text is suggested for remote, 24/7 access.