Reference page, APA 7:
Gunasti, K., & Ross, W. (2010). How and when alphanumeric brand names affect consumer preferences. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(6), 1177–1192.
Reference page, APA 6:
Gunasti, K., & Ross, W. (2010). How and when alphanumeric brand names affect consumer preferences. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(6), 1177–1192. doi:10.1509/jmkr.47.6.1177.
In-text citation: (Gunasti & Ross, 2010)
(A DOI [Digital Object Identifier] URL should be added when it is available. The label “doi:” is no longer necessary for APA 7th edition. If you are referencing an online article that you have reason to believe has been changed, that includes additional data or commentaries, or is an advanced online publication, you will need to add the date you retrieved the document and the URL. If a DOI is not available, provide a URL for electronic articles.)
Reference page, APA 7 & 6:
Wessel, D. (2007, August 16). Paulson expects markets to slow, not stall, growth. Wall Street Journal, pp. 1A, A7.
In-text citation: (Wessel, 2007)
Reference page, APA 7:
Ellis, L. (2023, January 3). Should you give up your salary and go to grad school? Wall Street Journal
Reference page, APA 6:
Ellis, L. (2023, January 3). Should you give up your salary and go to grad school? Wall Street Journal
In-text citation: (Ellis, 2023)
Reference page, APA 7:
MarketLine. (2021, November). MarketLine industry profile: Automotive manufacturing in Finland (Reference Code 0163-2606).,shib&custid=s8899245
Reference page, APA 6:
MarketLine. (2021, November). MarketLine industry profile: Automotive manufacturing in Finland (Reference Code 0163-2606). Retrieved January 3, 2023, from the Business Source Complete database.
In-text citation: (MarketLine, 2021)
Reference page, APA 7:
Pfizer. (2022). Pfizer 2021 annual review: Breakthroughs that change patients' lives.
Reference page, APA 6:
Pfizer. (2022). Pfizer 2021 annual review: Breakthroughs that change patients' lives. Retrieved from
In-text citation: (Pfizer, 2022)
Example of AI-generated content:
Reference page:
OpenAI. (2025). ChatGPT (March 10 version) [Large language model].
In-text citation: (OpenAI, 2025)
When prompted with “What are the three most important characteristics of a leader?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that common leadership strengths are vision, integrity, and communication (OpenAI, 2025).