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Getting Started With LaTeX Document Preparation: Home

Resources for getting started with LaTeX (pronounced LAY - tech or lay - TECH) document preparation software


1. UToledo Thesis & Dissertation Guidelines

Information about the University of Toledo Graduate School's guidelines for the preparation of theses and dissertations is found in the Manual for the Formatting of Graduate Dissertations and Theses and addenda found on the Graduate Studies website.  This includes information about the format and style* of your document, including examples of title/signature pages for specific colleges.  The Manual also discusses UMI/Proquest submission requirements, copyright, and other information about submitting an electronic thesis or dissertation.

*Style guides for specific disciplines may be consulted as to the format for references or citations.

These templates for use in Microsoft Word may help you follow the formatting guidelines of the Manual:

Video Tutorials


Engineering Librarian

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John Napp
John Napp

Associate Professor & Engineering Librarian

University of Toledo

CL 1024H

Subjects: Engineering