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Quality Teaching & Learning : Information Literacy in Blackboard

Librarians transform student learning, pedagogy, and instructional practices through creative and innovative collaborations.

Bringing Information Literacy into your Blackboard course site

It's easy to bring quality content from the subject research librarian at the University Libraries into your Blackboard course.  We have developed a series of basic modules that can be downloaded and incorporated directly into your courses, and every Blackboard course comes pre-loaded with a link to LibGuides to connect your students to the many learning and research resources of the University Libraries.

Information Literacy Modules for BlackBoard

Information Literacy Modules are librarian-designed modules that can easily be integrated into your Blackboard course content to help your students learn and understand basic concepts in information access, navigation, and use.  Choose appropriate modules below to download and then upload into your courses.  Each module has an activity tied to the learning objectives along with built-in assessment quizzes.   See below for a description of each module and its learning objectives.


Our Engineering Librarian, John Napp, has developed a Blackboard module specifically tailored to Information Literacy for Engineering Design.

Downloading and Importing the Information Literacy Modules

1. Download the IL modules into your Blackboard course:

  1. Right-click the individual Module links and select “Save Target as” or “Save Link As”
  2. Save the file to your computer
  3. In your Blackboard course, select “Packages and Utilities” from your Control Panel options.  
  4. Click “Import Package/View Logs”
  5. Click “Import Package”
  6. Browse to find saved file
  7. Select course material to import:
    • Content Areas (required)
    • Grade Center Columns and Settings (recommended)
    • Tests, Surveys, and Pools (recommended)

2. Customize IL modules in your Course Menu

The IL modules are ready to go as soon as they have been imported into your course, but you may wish to customize their appearance in your Course Menu.  Here are some options you may wish to consider.

  • Separate the IL modules from your course content in the Course Menu. The IL modules will appear at the bottom of your course menu, but you may wish to add a Divider Line or Subheader to separate them from your course content. Click the "Add Menu" button at the top of your Course Menu and select "Create Divider" or "Create Subheader".
  • Add content to a module. Once you import the modules into your course, they are yours to do with as you wish! Feel free to add content to any module just as you would to your own course content.
  • Edit Quiz points. The default point assignment for IL module quizes is 1 point for every correct answer. You may wish to change these point values or remove them entirely. Click the "Quiz Item Option" button next to the quiz you'd like to edit and select "Edit Quiz". You will be able to change the point values of individual questions.

Download Modules with this Video

UTMOST: Curriculum Builder in Blackboard

LibGuides links in Blackboard Courses

Every course in Blackboard comes with a LibGuides link in the left-side course menu.  Based on your Course code and number, this link will direct your students to a LibGuide developed for that specific course, to a subject guide associated with the program, or to the LibGuides homepage for online learners.  If you would like your LibGuides link to go to a different guide, or if you would like to work with a subject research librarian to develop a LibGuide specific to your course, please contact Elaine Reeves (

See below for a list of existing Courses and Subject with LibGuides.

Elaine Reeves


Credit goes to College of DuPage libraries for some of the language used on this page (, and to Jonee Lee, Justin Ballard, and Tim Godfrey in UToledo Online/Learning Ventures for technical aspects of creating downloadable modules.