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Resources Available at LaValley Law Library relating to the area of Constitutional Law


Constitutional Law deals with the interpretation and implementation of the United States Constitution. Constitutional Law deals with the fundamental relationships within our society. This includes relationships among the states, the states and the federal government, the three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) of the federal government, and the rights of the individual in relation to both federal and state government. The area of judicial review is an important subject within Constitutional Law. The Supreme Court has played a crucial role in interpreting the Constitution. The study of Constitutional Law focuses heavily on Supreme Court rulings.

Summary from Constitutional Law, LEGAL INFORMATION INSTITUTE, (last visited April 13, 2020).


Constitutional Law​ - Structure

  • The Federal Judicial Power
    • The Authority for Judicial Review
    • Limits on the Federal Judicial Power
  • The Federal Legislative
    • Introduction
    • The Necessary and Proper Clause
    • The Commerce Power
    • The Taxing and Spending Power
  • The Federal Executive Power
    • Inherent Presidential Power
    • Congress’s Authority to Increase Presidential Power
    • The Administrative State
    • Separation of Powers and Foreign Policy
    • The War on Terror
    • Checks on the President
  • Limits on State Power
    • Preemption of State and Local Laws
    • The Dormant Commerce Clause
  • Individual Rights
    • Application of the Bill of Rights to the States
    • Economic Substantive Due Process
    • Modern Substantive Due Process

Constitutional Law - Rights

Constitutional Law Blogs

Legal Reference Librarian

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Christie Lowry

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