Data from the United States Census is available at . After defining the geographic place you're looking for data for, you can look for data tables from recent censuses or other surveys.
To search a specific geographic area, select advanced search on the main page, and then use the Geography filter to filter the location.
For Lucas county, select county - then Ohio - then Lucas County. Clicking search will give you all the information on that contains Lucas County as a geographic location.
To see individual census tracts, select Tract then Ohio - then Lucas County - then All Census Tracts Within Lucas County (or a specific tract or tracts if you know which one you'd like to work with.)
Once you've selected the location, you can search for tables of data by keyword such as:
Or, you can use the additional filters available to find the information you are looking for.
From the results screen, you can explore tables and maps. You can also easily switch between maps and tables that are about the same topic.
Most data will be available in the form of a table. However, information from some surveys can be visualized on the map. Zooming in on a map will populate street names.
An Example of a Map:
Hispanic or Latino, 2000 Decennial Census