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Career & Job Information: Company Research

Find information about careers, job interviews and resumes.

Use these resources to research companies.

Knowing who you want to work for or are applying to can set you up for a successful hiring process. After all, how can you work for a company or business if you do not know anything about its values, process, or ethics?

Here are some resources and questions for you to consider:

  • Is it a company you want to work for?
    • Do they treat their employees fairly?
    • What benefits do they offer?
    • What is the average salary for your position?
    • Have they been in the news lately? 
  • Match your values and skills to the company's values and needs.
    • Are they committed to environmental initiatives? 
    • Do they have a fair hiring process?
    • Do they support labor unions or offer unionization?
  • Have something to talk about in an interview.
    • Why are you a good fit for the company?
      • What can you bring to the company they don't already have?

Company and Industry Information

man presenting dataUse these databases to find business information, including company, industry, and career information.

Magazine and Journal Article Databases

magnifying glass used to read papersUse these databases to find more company and industry information, especially journal, magazine, and newspaper articles.


All of UToledo's databases in one handy list!

Video Demonstrations!

woman presenting

View demos of many business resources.

Researching Government Agencies and Non-Profits

Wage Information

Julia Martin, Business & Economics Librarian

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Julia Martin
Carlson Library, rm 1024E
Mail Stop #509
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606

Want to talk? Schedule some time with me!
Subjects: Business, Economics

Elaine Reeves - Online Learning Librarian