Our Research Databases are the most efficient way to identify articles (and sometimes other resource types as well) on a topic or by a particular author. The most important part of finding relevant articles is selecting the right database to search. (As an extreme example, searching an English literature database won't be useful if you are looking for articles on treating congestive heart failure.)
UToledo users have access to over one hundred databases. To help you find the one you need for a particular topic, you can see them arranged by Subject Category or by Name. Each category lists relevant subject databases, but if you know the name of a specific database, you can go to that letter or simply look up the database by title in the UToledo Library Catalog.
If you are unsure of which database to use, a general purpose database such as the ones on this page may get you started, or you can use the search below to search some of most popular databases and library catalog. (Hint: Use the Peer Reviewed checkbox to limit to peer-reviewed articles.)
You can also find excellent suggestions for specific databases, journal titles, and ways of finding articles in the LibGuides for individual subjects.