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NURS 3030: Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Getting Started with Keyword Searching

Your Database Search Assignment requires you to perform a keyword search for your PICO(T) question. 

Keyword searching is a flexible, natural language approach to database searching on a topic. Search results will be retrieved based on the keywords that you enter into the database search boxes.  As you read through your search results, you may begin to recognize additional keywords to use in your search strategy to locate more articles.

Outlined below are a variety of database search techniques to use when conducting keyword searches.  

Technique Function 
Boolean Operators

Boolean operators provide a logical way to combine search terms using AND or OR

AND will narrow your search by combining two or more terms together. AND is helpful when searching for information on different concepts that you want to link together. 

  • cancer AND fatigue AND meditation will retrieve results with all of those terms

OR will broaden your search by retrieving results on any of the terms you enter. OR is helpful when searching for information on similar concepts or synonyms. 

  • fatigue OR tiredness OR lethargy OR exhaustion will retrieve results with any of those terms

Use of an asterisk * after the root of a word will search for various word endings 

nurs* will find results with the keywords nurse, nurses, or nursing

anesth* will find results with the keywords anesthesiology, anesthetist, anesthesiologist 

Phrase Searching

Use of quotes around words will retrieve results with that exact phrase. For example: 

"post-traumatic stress disorder"

"mindfulness-based stress reduction"

"animal-assisted therapy"


Use of parentheses will group desired search terms together in combination with appropriate Boolean operators in a single search box

(dementia OR "Alzheimer* disease") AND ("fall prevention" OR "fall risk assessment") 

This search will find results on dementia AND either fall prevention OR fall risk assessment

It will also find results on Alzheimer disease (or Alzheimer's disease) AND either fall prevention OR fall risk assessment

You will be required to perform individual keyword searches representing the major P, I, and O elements of your PICO(T) question. 

Review the information and screenshots below for guidance on how to conduct individual searches for the P, I, and O. 

P - Patient/Population/Problem: Keyword Search

Plan your keyword search terms and search strategy for the P - Patient/Population/Problem: 


List of Keyword Search Terms  Keyword Search Strategy



adult cancer patients experiencing fatigue











cancer* OR neoplasm* OR oncolog* OR tumor* OR tumour* OR malignan*


fatigue* OR tired* OR letharg* OR exhaust*

Enter your keyword search strategy for the P into CINAHL (under Advanced Search), then click Search:


I - Intervention/Variable of Interest: Keyword Search

After you conduct a search for the P part of your PICO(T) question, you will then conduct a search for the I. 

Plan your keyword search terms and search strategy for the I - Intervention/Variable of Interest: 

I - Intervention/Variable of Interest List of Keyword Search Terms Keyword Search Strategy

what is the effect of








Guided imagery

meditat* OR mindful* OR breath* OR relax* OR yoga OR "guided imagery"

Enter your keyword search strategy for the I into CINAHL, then click Search:


O - Outcome(s): Keyword Search

After you conduct a search for the I part of your PICO(T) question, you will then conduct a search for the O. 

Plan your keyword search terms and search strategy for the O - Outcome(s): 

O - Outcome(s) List of Keyword Search Terms  Keyword Search Strategy



improving quality of life

Quality of life

Quality of living

Life quality



Well being

"quality of life" OR "quality of living" OR "life quality" OR well-being OR wellbeing OR "well being"

Enter your keyword search strategy for the O into CINAHL, then click Search:

Search History - View all P, I, and O Search Sets

After you have conducted individual keyword searches for the P, I, and O, click on Search History:

After clicking on Search History, you will see all 3 searches that you conducted for your P, I, and O:

Next, you will combine all 3 searches together using the Search with AND function in the Search History. 

See Combining Searches for details and instructions.