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NURS 3030: Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Select One Relevant Research Article

For the final step of your assignment, you will be required to provide information about ONE relevant research article that you found from your search.

The information you are required to provide about your article includes: 

APA 7th Edition Style

For examples and templates to help you reference your selected article in APA style, please see these resources:

Additional resources and guidance on APA style can be found on the APA 7th Edition Style page

Subject Headings

Subject Headings are words or phrases assigned by the database to describe individual articles. To find an article's Subject Headings, click on the title of the article, then look at the article’s abstract page (see below screenshot). Subject Headings will be listed here. List at least 3 Subject Headings and choose the most relevant ones to your PICO(T) question.

In the above article example from CINAHL, you can see the article's subject headings listed under Major Subjects and Minor Subjects. Some relevant headings for this article include:

  • Meditation
  • Breast Neoplasms
  • Fatigue

Research Study Design

The article you select must be a research study. A research study can be identified by carefully reviewing the article's abstract and full-text for words describing the study aim/purpose/objectives, methods, design, sample/setting, findings/results, and conclusion.

Research study designs fall under quantitative (data analyzed with statistics) or qualitative (data analyzed narratively by themes) categories. 

Research study designs can be categorized as follows:

  • Quantitative Study Types
    • Meta-Analysis
    • Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
    • Randomized Controlled Trial
    • Quasi-Experimental
    • Cohort
    • Case-Control
    • Correlational
    • Cross-Sectional
  • Qualitative Study Types
    • Meta-Synthesis
    • Single qualitative study 
    • Grounded Theory
    • Phenomenology
    • Ethnography

For your assignment, list the specific design - i.e. quasi-experimental, cohort, grounded theory, etc.