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Research Exploration Part 1: Hypothesis to Submission


The purpose of the Research Exploration course is to provide students with an opportunity to explore different study designs and to get some hands-on research experience. Ideally, the project will progress from Hypothesis to Submission during your time as a student. In reality, you might get added to an in-progress project that could inspire you to start your own research project!

Course Meeting Locations

This hybrid class hosts office hours and meets virtually in Webex or in-person in the JCCTR conference room (3rd floor of the IISC building).

Course Directors

David Kennedy,

Phone: 419-383-6822

Office  HEB 205                                                                     


Steven Haller,


Office: HEB 205

Course Coordinator

Margaret Hoogland,                   

Phone: 419-383-4214

Office: MLB 410

Syllabus - Word Version