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Finding videos (DVD, VHS, streaming, online)

About Videos at UToledo Libraries

The UToledo Libraries have a collection of videos (DVD, VHS, and electronic formats) that support the University's curriculum.  There are educational videos on a variety of topics, as well as feature films that primarily support our department of Theatre and Film.

UToledo Library Catalog Search

Streaming Video Subscriptions

The Libraries subscribe to the following resources of streaming videos from a variety of fields.

  • Access Engineering
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Reference resource for engineering students, faculty, and practicing professionals. Contains over 600 full text books and a variety of online teaching and learning tools such as instructional videos; calculators; interactive tables, charts, and graphs; curriculum maps; and information organization and personalization tools. Also includes a global engineering news feed.
  • Access Pharmacy
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Online resource designed for pharmacy students, educators and practitioners. Contains full text of over 30+ McGraw-Hill textbooks, as well as multimedia files, case studies, care plans, self-assessment tools, exam review questions, drug monographs, and feature articles on evidence-based practice.
  • Access Physiotherapy Best Bet
    Online physical therapy resource. Contains textbooks, procedural videos, case studies, exam review questions, and multimedia modules, including Anatomy & Physiology Revealed and F.A. Davis PT Collection.
  • Bates' Guide to Physical Examination
    • UT Users Only
    Collection of 140+ videos that demonstrate clinical physical examination techniques. Includes demonstrations of head-to-toe exams for both adults and children as well as more advanced systems-based examination techniques. Participants are actors and health care professionals. Companion resource to classic text Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.
  • Digital Theatre+ Best Bet
    Online educational platform for the performing arts. Includes streaming videos of over 400 full-length productions from partners such as the Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Opera House, Shakespeare's Globe, and the Broadway Digital Archive. Also contains over 250 long-form interviews with actors, directors, and backstage technicians as well as 10,000+ pages of written learning resources, including research guides, lectures, encyclopedia entries, and essays, authored by leading academics and industry professionals.
  • F. A. Davis Collection Best Bet
    Online physical therapy resource. Includes full text of 25+ physical therapy books and extensive video library, PT case studies. Links to AccessPhysiotherapy.
  • JOVE Science Education
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Collection of videos demonstrating fundamental laboratory techniques. Library subscribes to ten parts: General Laboratory Techniques; Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology; Essentials of Biology 1: Yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans; Essentials of Biology 2: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick; Essentials of Neuroscience; Essentials of Developmental Biology; Essentials of Behavioral Science; Essentials of Genetics; Essentials of Cell Biology; and Lab Animal Research.
  • Kanopy Best Bet
    On-demand streaming video service providing access to documentaries, independent, classic, and instructional films covering a broad range of disciplines.
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Collection of 50 videos on psychotherapeutic and counseling techniques and treatment. Covers a variety of therapeutic issues and topics including: addictions, anger management, depression, domestic violence, eating disorders, personality disorders, sexuality, and trauma/PTSD.
  • SAGE Video Counseling & Psychotherapy Collection Best Bet
    Collection of about 500 streaming videos on counseling and psychotherapy theory and practice.
  • Theatre in Video (Volume I)
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Contains 250+ streaming videos of definitive performances of the world’s leading plays, along with 100+ video documentaries on theater topics. Plays are predominately 20th century masterpieces and classic Shakespeare productions and include live television broadcasts, revivals of classic works, experimental performances, and both Broadway and off-Broadway productions. Also includes full text of the plays, their history of performance, production backgrounds, related reference materials, and interviews with directors, designers, writers, and actors. Specific scenes, monologues and staging can be bookmarked by for study, teaching, and research.
  • Theatre in Video (Volume II)
    • UT Users Only
    Best Bet
    Collection of 400+ hours of streaming videos of theater performances, ground-breaking documentaries, and instructional series for theatre and drama programs. Greater focus on contemporary and international productions than Volume I.

Other LibGuides of Interest

Videos at Carlson Library

Videos are listed in the UToledo Library Catalog.  You can search for them by film title, author (includes director and principal actors), or by subject such as Feature Films.  You may also search by Keyword and limit to Material Type: DVD/Videocassette or Digital Video.  All UToledo videos can be checked out for 7 days unless they are on reserve for a course, which may have shorter check out periods.  Items can be renewed once, and overdue fines are $0.25 per item per day.

Use these links to see what videos (both films and television) we have by category in DVD, Digital/Streaming Video, or Blu-Ray formats:


The Circulation Department of Carlson Library maintains a printed list of all of the videos (PDF).

Videos at Mulford Health Science Library

On the Health Science Campus, the Library maintains most of its multimedia collection on reserve at the Mulford Access Services Desk.  It is best to search for this material in the UToledo Library Catalog and select MULFORD and AUDIOVISUAL" or "DIGITAL VIDEO" or "DVD/VIDEOCASSETTE" from the search drop-down menus.

Videos at Toledo-Lucas County Public Library

The public library system in Toledo and Lucas County also has videos, and includes more general entertainment videos than UToledo.  When searching the TLCPL Catalog, limit the Material Type to Video-DVD or Video-VHS.  Be sure to note the library or branch where the video is located. 

Videos through OhioLINK

Some OhioLINK libraries will loan their videos, so you may want to search on the OhioLINK Library Catalog.  However, many schools do not lend their videos, and those that do will only lend them for 1 week with no renewal.

The OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons (DRC) was taken offline on August 31, 2021. If you are looking for contributing content to the DRC, a list is provided on their website.