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Pharmacy Practice: Library Research

A guide to resources for Pharmacy Practice and related disciplines.

Searching for Books

You can find books in the UToledo Library Catalog using either keywords for your topic, or using Subject Headings such as those listed below. 

Searching by keyword allows you to find words mentioned in book titles, chapter titles, subjects, and author names.  Keyword searches can be combined to find books on two or more topics using AND or OR.  Searching by Subject Heading is more precise, but searches for broad topics in the book.

Some subject headings you may want to start at include the following.  Some will have cross references to other related topics, and most will have sub-headings for more specific topics, formats, or geographic areas:

You may also search by Medical Subject Heading, such as:

Browsing for Pharmacy Books

The UToledo Libraries use the Library of Congress Call Number system for organizing many of our books.  You can browse the shelves in our libraries in the following call numbers:

RM 1-931 Therapeutics, Pharmacology
138 Drug Prescribing
139 Prescription Writing
146-146.7 Misues of Therapeutic Drugs, Medication Errors
147-180 Administration of Drugs and Other Therapeutic Agents
182-190 Other Therapeutic Procedures (including acupuncture, pneumatic aspiration, spinal puncture, pericardial puncture)
214-258 Diet Therapy, Diet and Dietetics in Disease, Dietary Cookbooks
259 Vitamin Therapy
260-263 Chemotherapy
265-267 Antibiotic Therapy, Antibiotics
270-282 Serum Therapy, Immunotherapy
283-298 Endocrinotherapy, Organotherapy
300-666 Drugs and their Actions
671-671.5 Commercial Preparations, Patent Medicines
RS 1-441 Pharmacy and Materia Medica
125-131.9 Formularies, Collected Prescriptions
139-141.9 Pharmacopoeias
151.2-151.9 Dispensatories
153-441 Materia Medica
160-167 Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Substances (plant, animal, and inorganic)
189-190 Assay Methods, Standardization
192-199 Pharmaceutical Processes
200-201 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
250-252 Commercial Preparations, Patent Medicines
355-356 Pharmaceutical Supplies
400-431 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
441 Microscopical Examination of Drugs
RV 1-431 Botanic, Thomsonian, and Eclectic Medicine
RX 1-681 Homeopathy
211-581 Diseases, Treatment, etc.
601-675 Materia Medica and Therapeutics


In addition, the Mulford Health Science Library uses National Library of Medicine Call Numbers.  They have an additional section for pharmacology:

QV 1-55 Reference Works. General Works
60-75 Dermatologic Agents. Gastrointestinal Agents
76-113 Central Nervous System Agents. Local Anesthetics
120-140 Autonomic Agents. Nonmetallic Elements. Neuromuscular Agents
150-160 Cardiovascular Agents. Renal Agents
170-177 Reproductive Control Agents
180-195 Hematologic Agents
220-243 Local Anti-Infective Agents. Dyes. Tars
247-269  Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Anti-Infective Agents. Antineoplastic Agents
270-285 Water. Electrolytes
290-325 Heavy Metals. Gases
350-370 Anti-Bacterial Agents. Tissue Extracts
600-667 Toxicology
   600-607    General Toxicology
   610-618    Inorganic Poisons
   627-633    Organic Poisons
   662-667    Gas Poisons. Chemical Agents
701-835 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics
   701-737     General Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics
   738-772     Drug Standardization. Pharmacognosy. Medicinal Plants
   773-835     Pharmaceutical Processes. Packaging. Labeling

Finding Articles by Topic

Can't Find It? Journal Articles

If you have a citation and want to find the full text of the article, you have several possibilities.

  1. If you are in a research database with a link that says FindIt! @ UToledo, click there to be directed to the most complete options for finding the full text electronically, in print, or ordering through Interlibrary Loan.
  2. If you don't see a FindIt! button, you can search the UToledo Online Journals listing by journal title
  3. Check the UToledo Library Catalog by Journal Title to see if we have a copy in print in one of our campus libraries.
  4. Finally, if you cannot locate a copy on campus, please use the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service to request a copy of the article.  Articles will be delivered to your ILLiad account as a PDF and you'll be notified by e-mail when it has arrived.

Search for Journals in the UToledo Library Catalog

All UToledo journal subscriptions are listed in the UToledo Library Catalog, both print and electronic.  Search by Title to see if we have the journal you need.

UToledo Library Catalog Search

Search the University of Toledo Library catalog for books, journal titles, media, etc. Not for searching by article title.

OhioLINK Catalog Search

Search the combined catalog of all OhioLINK member libraries. Books not available here can usually be requested and delivered in 3-5 days. Journals cannot be requested through the catalog. Search

Search library catalogs elsewhere. Items found may be able to be requested using ILLiad, or use this search to see what non-OhioLINK libraries have your item. >>

Can't Find It Here?

If an article or book is not available at the University of Toledo Libraries, we can try to obtain the item (either an electronic copy or the original book) from another library.  Use these resources to place your request.

Citation Resources