From the article Drug discount cards: Tips and tricks to watch out for by Richard Sagall, MD at (Read the entire article for facts about the finances behind these cards and how others make a profit from you)
Buyer beware - Here are some tips when selecting a drug discount card.
1. Never pay for a card. There are many good cards that are free. There is no reason to pay for a card since it’s unlikely it would offer a discount any better than a free one.
2. Never register for a card. This is one way marketers get info that they sell. The only reason to give your name and address is if the card is being mailed to you.
3. Read the privacy policy. Make sure the marketer has a privacy policy that you agree with. Even then, there’ no guarantee they will follow it.
4. Helpline. All reputable marketers have a toll-free helpline. Give the line a call and see how responsive they are. Do they have real people answering your questions or just a recording? If you leave a message do they call you back?
5. Shop around. Try different cards to see which offers you the best discount. Ask your pharmacist which has the best prices.
6. Consider who is making money. All things being equal, using a card offered by a non-profit is best. Any money they make is going to further their cause while the money earned by a for-profit is just going into someone’s pocket.
All health questions questions and concerns are best answered by a health care provider.
All links in this guide are presented as professional opinions of their respective authors and may
or may not agree with the advice and professional interpretations of any health care provider that
is consulted.