The NAICS code is used in a variety of reference sources to designate the industries in which a company is engaged. NAICS replaces the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), which is still used by some publications.
by U.S. Census Bureau
National and state data by NAICS. Includes number of employees, payroll, cost of materials, capital expenditures, value of shipments, and more.
Health statistics sources include international organizations, nongovernmental agencies, U.S. and Ohio government agencies, and Northwest Ohio agencies and organizations.
EBSCO's version of the National Library of Medicine's index to journal literature. Covers a broad range of biomedical, life sciences, and healthcare disciplines.
Index to literature in nursing, allied health, and related fields including alternative and complementary medicine, health sciences librarianship, and consumer health.
Consumer-oriented health database designed to meet the information needs of patients and to foster a general understanding of health-related topics. Provides full-text content covering key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to perspectives in complementary and holistic medicine.
Index to content in consumer health magazines, pamphlets, and reference books & full text for several hundred books. Topics covered include food sciences and nutrition, children's health, women's health, sports medicine, and general health.