Potentially positive uses for AI in research publishing:
Considerations/Reservations for use of AI in publishing:
Database Searching
To find articles on artificial intelligence, search in an appropriate database from the list of subject databases available through the UToledo Libraries: http://utmost.cl.utoledo.edu/search/y. Some examples:
Boolean Searching
Use Boolean search techniques for better results.
For example:
Subject Searching
Some databases include a list of subject terms (sometimes referred to as a Thesaurus). Searching for a subject term will give results for related (or "mapped") terms such as those compiled below:
Related terms:
Subjects terms have specific designations in certain databases:
Search Engines
Consider supplementing your database searching with a search engine like these suggested:
Grey Literature Searching
To find materials like government reports, white papers, and other materials not locked behind a paywall, try searching in Google using the filter site:.gov or site:.org:
Example: machine learning + education site:.gov
***Contact a librarian if you would like assistance with your searching***
Raymon H. Mulford Health Science Library Phone/E-mail: