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Assessing an Information Need: Types of Information and Suggested Resources

Need information? To save yourself time and frustration, the first step is figuing out what you need and where to find it.

Types of Information and Suggested Resources

Types of Information Suggested Resource
Background – basic knowledge University Libraries Catalog to identify textbooks and reference books; full-text resources like ClinicalKey
Articles (research or opinion) Databases (see Hints for Selecting Online Databases section)
Cutting-edge research Databases (see Hints for Selecting Online Databases section) for research articles
Overview of current research Databases (see Hints for Selecting Online Databases section) for review articles
Evidence-based medicine and other clinically-focused information Databases (see Hints for Selecting Online Databases section) for systematic reviews and meta-analyses; clinical queries search in PubMed
Statistical Print and online Statistical Resources
Research instruments (surveys, questionnaires, etc.) See the Research Instruments LibGuide
Drug information Print or online drug resources