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Clinical Research: Searching PubMed

Resources Guide for Clinical Research

Searching PubMed by Subject

There are different ways to search PubMed. One way is to search PubMed by subject. Each journal article in PubMed is described/indexed by a specific set of terms, called Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms). MeSH terms provide a consistent way to retrieve information that may use different terminology for the same concepts/subjects.

MeSH terms are arranged in a hierarchical categorized manner called MeSH tree structures. Narrower terms are indented under a broader term in the structures. When PubMed searches a MeSH term, it will automatically include narrower terms in the search, if applicable. To locate MeSH terms and build a search strategy, please use the MeSH database. To learn how to search the MeSH database, try the 3-minute animated tutorial "Searching with the MeSH Database". 

The following is a list of medical subject headings related to emergent medical topics. It displays part of the hierarchy including the MeSH term "Emergency Medical Services". When you search the term "Emergency Medical Services" as a subject heading in PubMed, your research results will include articles on the broader term "Emergency Medical Services" as well as all narrower terms indented under it. Using the MeSH database will allow you to view the definition of a concept (MeSH term), select a broader or narrower MeSH term from a tree structure, access a list of subheadings of the term, or restrict your search to articles where the term is the major focus of articles.

To conduct a quick search using any of the following terms, click the link to launch the search. On the PubMed results page, you may add additional search terms to focus your search results.

Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medical Services 
      Emergency Medical Service Communication Systems
      Emergency Service, Hospital
            Trauma Centers
      Emergency Services, Psychiatric
      Poison Control Centers

      Transportation of Patients
Emergency Treatment
      First Aid
            Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
                  Advanced Cardiac Life Support
            Heart Massage
            Respiration, Artificial
            Resuscitation Orders

Please contact the librarian (419-383-4218) if you have any question or need assistance in developing a search strategy on a topic of your interest.         

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