The NAICS code is used in a variety of reference sources to designate the industries in which a company is engaged. NAICS replaces the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), which is still used by some publications.
Find industry and market reports from the federal government.
by U.S. Census Bureau
National and state data by NAICS includes number of employees, payroll, cost of materials, capital expenditures, value of shipments, and more.
The Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) is a re-engineered survey designed to integrate and replace seven existing annual business surveys into a streamlined single survey.
The surveys integrated into the AIES are:
Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES)
Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS)
Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM)
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (AWTS)
Manufacturers’ Unfilled Orders Survey (M3UFO)
Report of Organization (COS)
Service Annual Survey (SAS)