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BIOL 1120: Survey of Biology Course Guide : eReference

Library Resources to support BIOL 1120

Elaine Reeves - Online Learning Librarian

By Live Messaging or Chat

Chat with a librarian, no IM account necessary!  See the chat boxes on this page to ask your question. 

We staff these services during the same hours as our In Person reference desks, so if you are using the service outside of those hours, please leave your question and an e-mail address or phone number where we can get back to you.

By E-mail

The reference librarians also answer questions submitted through the web or by e-mail:

Questions will be answered within two working days, usually faster.

By Phone

Reference librarians also answer questions over the telephone. Telephone numbers for reference questions are:  

  • Carlson Library:   (419) 530-2325
  • Mulford Health Science Library: (419) 383-4218
  • LaValley Law Library, (419) 530-2946. 

Please remember, however, that the person in the library comes first; we may be away from the phone helping another patron. Please leave a message on our voice mail system with your question and a number where we can reach you.

Chat with a Librarian: Main Campus

Chat with a librarian in the Carlson Library Reference Department.  If we are not online, see below for alternate means to contact us. 

Our chat service requires javascript. Please leave a message at or 419-530-2325.

For information on how to reach us in person, by phone, or by e-mail, see the Ask a Librarian page.