- Consult an annotated code to identify cases applying or interpreting a specific law.
- Conduct a KeyCite (Westlaw Edge) or Shepard's (LexisNexis) if you have a citation to a case. KeyCite and Shepard's trace the history of the case to which have a citation and later cases that have referred to the case. Cases about the statute will be listed as citing references.
Locating Case Law on Westlaw
- Search a single jurisdiction using keywords
- Search multiple jurisdictions using key words
- Search of specific areas of Law
- Search by Key Number
Locating Case Law on Lexis+
- Browse Topics > Evidence
- Then follow the instructions to limit the search
National Survey of State Laws (available on HeinOnline)
- Browse Databases by Category
- U.S. State
- National Survey of State Laws
- Browse Laws by Category OR Browse Laws by Topic