In the UToledo Library Catalog, you can search all books at UToledo by keyword, title or subject.
Electronic Books are included in the UToledo Library Catalog; you can find them by limiting your search to the Location: Internet. Many of the e-book collections can be searched separately. See the Electronic Books page for major collections we have access to.
The newest books in the libraries are listed on the Library News page.
You can also browse bestsellers from the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library's Popular Collection which are available for checkout at UToledo libraries. The selection in this collection varies as the public library regularly sends new titles.
OhioLink is a catalog of over 80 college & university libraries in the OhioLINK system, plus the State Library of Ohio and a few public library systems. Materials listed as "AVAILABLE" can be requested and delivered to UToledo (or any other library in the system). This catalog can also be searched from the UToledo Library Catalog by clicking on the "Search OhioLINK" button.
UToledo Libraries subscribes to several fulltext e-textbook collections. Each collection will have information on different specialties.
We have 80+ e-books in emergency medicine. These are our top ten:
Here are Mulford's top print books in your area. You call also browse our entire collection with emergency medicine as a keyword or a subject.