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Graduate Advanced Nursing Research & EBP: Nursing Theory

This library guide is designed to support graduate nursing students in the NURS 6910 & 7910 courses.

Finding Articles Related to Nursing Theory

Articles from scholarly journals provide in-depth research on nursing theories. To locate articles that apply nursing theory to research and practice, consult the CINAHL database.

Here are some tips on searching CINAHL for information on nursing theories:

Selected List of Nursing Theory Books

Below is a selected list of nursing theory books available at the Mulford Library.

Explore additional nursing theory books in the library catalog

Below is a selected list of nursing theory e-books available from the University Libraries.

Explore additional nursing theory books in the library catalog. 

Finding More Books

Books are a great place to start for finding information on nursing theory. The Mulford Library holds several nursing theory books that you can check out.  Most nursing theory books can be found in the WY86 call number range on the 4th floor. To locate a specific nursing theory book, search the online catalog.  It is recommended that you search the catalog any one of the following ways:

We also have a growing collection of e-books which include titles on nursing theory.  After conducting a search in the catalog using any of the above steps, click on Limit/Sort Search at the top of the search results page, select E-BOOK in the Material Type menu, and click Submit

Not Finding a Book You Need? Request Books

Search the OhioLINK catalog to see if the book you need is available from another library.  Click the REQUEST THIS ITEM link to have the book sent to the UToledo Libraries location of your choice (i.e. Mulford Health Science Library or Carlson Library). 

If you still cannot locate the book in OhioLINK, submit an Interlibrary Loan request. 

Web Resources on Nursing Theory

Specific Theorists & Theories

Nursing Theory (General)