The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Theatre and Drama
Provides links to Theatre studies, articles and resources bibliographies, databases, libraries, museums , archives and scholarly organizations, It links to resources in more than 50 countries around the world.
Maintained by Jack Wolcott, this site provides access to useful theatre research sites throughout the world.
Guide to Internet Resources in Theatre and Performance Studies
A collection of digital images of costumes from more than 150 productions in the
A Comprehensive searchable collection of Web sites related to Literature & the Humanities.
Voice of the Shuttle: General English Lit. Resources
Provides a structured and briefly annotated guide to online resources with extensive links to humanities and humanities-related resources .
Consists of General Concordances ,British Authors ,E-text Archives Medieval (& Anglo-Saxon) ,17th Century (& Renaissance), 18th Century (& Restoration) , 19th Century (Romantics & Victorian) ,and Victorian Web Sites 20th Century
Cambridge English Renaissance Electronic Service
Provides virtual environments for study, research, and collaborative work relating to early modern English manuscript materials.
This diverse collection contains fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, letters, newspapers, manuscripts and illustrations from 1500 to the present.
New York Public Library's links to Deconstruction, Eco-literature, Feminist and Gender, General Resources in Literary Criticism, Post-colonialism, Post-modernism, Reader Response and Semiotics