All University of Toledo graduate students who complete a thesis or dissertation are required to submit their document to the OhioLINK Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETD) Center and Proquest/UMI. The information on this page will help you with that process. To make it as stress-free as possible we recommend the following steps, explained in more detail on this page:
If you have any questions about forms, graduation requirements, or the thesis & dissertation process as a whole, please contact the College of Graduate Studies staff. For more information about converting your document to PDF, embedding fonts, or uploading your document to the OhioLINK ETD Center, contact Wade Lee-Smith in the University Libraries.
Information about the University of Toledo Graduate School's guidelines for the preparation of theses and dissertations is found in the Manual for the Formatting of Graduate Dissertations and Theses and addenda found on the Graduate Studies website. This includes information about the format and style* of your document, including examples of title/signature pages for specific colleges. The Manual also discusses UMI/Proquest submission requirements, copyright, and other information about submitting an electronic thesis or dissertation.
*Style guides for specific disciplines may be consulted as to the format for references or citations.
These templates for use in Microsoft Word may help you follow the formatting guidelines of the Manual:
Electronic Theses and Dissertations must be submitted as a single PDF file of the entire document. While some computers have the ability to save a word processing document in Adobe PDF format, not all do. There are online utilities that can convert a word processing document into the PDF format, however. If none of these services work for you, please contact Wade Lee-Smith (information at right) for assistance in converting your file.
The OhioLINK ETD Center is a repository of theses and dissertations submitted by students graduating from colleges and universities across Ohio. The University of Toledo participates in the OhioLINK ETD Center, and you can upload your thesis or dissertation (including Honors theses) and make it publicly available on this site. More information about the OhioLINK ETD Center can be found in their FAQ.
To submit your thesis or dissertation, you need to have your document available as a single PDF file. (See the PDF Conversion box on this page for information on how to convert your document.)
Submitting your document is a multi-step process. Go to the ETD Submission page to begin.
The OhioLINK ETD Submission form cannot accept special characters such as accented letters, greek letters, mathematical symbols, and some common punctuation added by word processing programs such as Microsoft Word. To avoid having your entire submission rejected, make sure that these are not entered at any point in your ETD submission process. Note: this refers only to the summary information you enter on the OhioLINK ETD Submission Form, not any special characters that may be used in the PDF copy of your actual thesis or dissertation document.
Tips for avoiding or replacing special characters:
In recent years, more and more students are publishing their work as Electronic Theses or Dissertations and making the publication available for free on the web. Often these are made available through institutional repositories associated with their college or university, or a network of institutions. Not every dissertation or thesis is available this way, and the less recent the publication date, the less likely it was made available as an ETD. Here are some places to search across a large number of dissertation repositories. You should also check the website of the college or university the student graduated from to see if there is any mention of ETDs.
Students wishing to retain extra paper copies of their dissertation/thesis should retain these copies and submit only the additional title pages [with original signature(s)] to the College of Graduate Studies for signature by its Dean. A maximum of five title pages will be signed."
Copies of dissertations can be ordered through the online sites below.
Alternative outlets such as Kinko's may also be of use.