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Government Information: Statistics: Census Bureau

The government's data gathering efforts apart from providing statistics for numerous applications helps defend arguments and authenticates research.

U.S. Census Bureau



The Census Bureau provides publicly available statistics and is the leading source of quality real-time data about the nation’s people and economy--including workforce, population, and housing.


The Census Bureau, as a division of the Department of Commerce, conducts the following:

The National Agricultural Statistics Service, as a division of the Department of Agriculture, conducts a Census of Agriculture every 5 years.


Historical Poverty Statistics

From current Populations reports. Click Image to expand! 

Population Projections

9th Congressional District - A Closer Look

Census 2000

Census Publications

Surveys and reports by the U.S. Census Bureau

Population Characteristics (P20) 

A key resource for household information including racial/ethnic information.

American Community Surveys (ACS) 

An addition to the decennial census, beginning in 1996, provides more in-depth information on communities than in previous censuses

Income and Poverty (P60)  

Several major household surveys and programs collect income and poverty data, including the American Community Survey (ACS), the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE), and the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).

Emergency Response and Recovery

Search and browse events with this web-based data tool.

OnTheMap for Emergency Management provides real-time access to a range of detailed U.S. Census Bureau data about the people living and working in areas being affected by hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.

To start, select a recent event from the list or map, or find historical events using the search tool.
Statistical data sources include 2010 Decennial Census data, 2011-2015 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates, and 2014 LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES).

Toledo and the 9th Congressional District - A Quick Look




Like podcasts? Check out these one minute audio files from U.S. Census Bureau's By the Numbers!

 Join us each month as we shine a spotlight on notable observances, anniversaries, and historical events for the month ahead. Celebrate your state's birthday with fun facts. Explore Census Bureau data through digital storytelling, including audio, video, infographics, and more that we invite you to share.

Access more downloadable Census Bureau audio files.

Congressional Districts of the 115th Congress of the United States, January 2017-2019