Searching for Related Records in Web of Science allows you to start with one article and find other articles that share at least one reference from the original item's bibliography. This list of articles is ranked by the number of shared references, with the theory than articles which have a large percentage of their cited items in common must be discussing similar topics. This is also sometimes called 'bibliographic overlap', because you are looking to see which articles overlap most closely with your article's bibliography.
1. To start, you can enter the title of your article of interest in the Basic Search form of Web of Science Core Collection, or search for it using any other method (author, keywords, etc.).
2. Click on the title or View Abstract to bring up the individual record.
3. On the right-hand side of the screen, look for View Related Records and click on the link.
4. You will be presented with a list of (many) results, but the list is sorted by the number of cited references in common (Shared references).
You can click on each title to find out more, check the boxes on the left to select records for emailing, exporting to Endnote, etc., or use the Find It @ UToledo or Context Sensitive Links button to check if we have the article in full text.