Type your text in MS Word first, then copy and paste into the PowerPoint template
Use a non-serif font (i.e. Arial, Helvetica) for title and headings
Use a serif font (i.e. Times New Roman, Palatino) for body text
Use high-resolution images
Consider copyright when using images
Cite and reference your sources in APA 7th Edition Style (if you cannot fit your reference list on your poster, you may include a supplementary handout or provide a QR Code on your poster linking viewers to your references)
Share your poster with trusted peers or classmates for review and constructive criticism prior to having it printed
This poster is a good example of a Do! To view the full image, right click over it with your mouse and select Open Image in New Tab.
- Use dark backgrounds
- Switch from PC to Mac and Mac to PC when designing in PowerPoint
- Be too wordy (limit word count to 800-1000)
- Use colors that make your poster unintelligible or difficult to read
- Use “cute” clip art

This poster is a good example of a Don't! To view the full image, right click over it with your mouse and select Open Image in New Tab.