Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowComprehensive multi-disciplinary index to scholarly publications in nearly all academic areas of study.
Education Research CompleteThis link opens in a new windowIndex to scholarly research and information relating to education.
ERIC (EBSCOhost version)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive index to a variety of literature and resources in education.
Education Full TextThis link opens in a new windowIndex to international English-language publications in the field of education.
APA PsycInfoThis link opens in a new windowIndex to worldwide scholarly literature in psychology and related fields
APA PsycInfo: More info available in the PsycINFO LibGuide
A list of hashtags for people to follow during specific hours and days, Sunday through Saturday, to participate in the twittering of a variety of education subject areas. Check out #ohedchat Ohio Ed Chat at 9-10pm EST on Mondays. There is also a list of open date/time topics like #21CL 21st Century learner.