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NURS 4610: Translating Evidence for Nursing Practice

This LibGuide is designed to assist students in the online RN-to-BSN program with EBP-related competencies in NURS 4610.

Database Options

Click the links below to access databases. From off-campus, after clicking on a database, you will be prompted to enter your UToledo username and password.

What are the advantages of using a database?

There are several advantages in using a research database to conduct searches for scientific research evidence. 

  • Databases are subscription products made available to you from the UToledo Libraries, and they provide access to full-text content that is unavailable through free search engines on the web 
  • Databases index professional, scholarly, peer-reviewed literature
  • A variety of search options are available, from basic to advanced searching
  • Relevant filters and limiters are available to narrow down your search
  • Users can create accounts in databases to save searches and set-up e-mail alerts

Organizing Search Terms with Boolean Operators

Boolean logic was developed by English mathematician and philosopher George Boole (1815 - 1864) to describe relationships between concepts.

The Boolean operators AND, OR, or NOT can be used in a database search to logically arrange your search terms together. 

Below are examples of how you can use Boolean operators to make your search for information more effective, efficient, and accurate. 

Boolean Operator Why It's Used Example What You'll Find
OR To search for similar concepts  geriatric OR elderly

Results will include either the word geriatric OR elderly

This broadens the search. 


To relate two different concepts together

stroke AND caregiving

Results will include both words stroke AND caregiving.

This narrows the search. 

NOT To exclude results from a search  dementia NOT Alzheimer's

Results will include the word dementia and exclude any results with the word Alzheimer's.

This narrows the search.

(Use NOT carefully and judiciously as it may exclude some potentially relevant results)

Database Search Techniques

Keywords and Subject Headings

Keyword Searching

Keywords are search terms you develop on your own to describe what you are searching for. 

Keywords are very flexible, and you can use any terms you like. You may need to use a thesaurus to help you develop a variety of relevant keywords. 

The database will retrieve results based on the terms you enter

Typically retrieves several results since keywords are a very broad way of searching

Keyword searching is very flexible and is a good way to begin a search, especially if you are unsure of the correct terminology to use.  As you begin reading through your results, you may notice trends and patterns in terminology that you can then apply and adapt to your search strategy.   

VIDEO TUTORIALS: CINAHL Advanced Searching (applicable for all EBSCO databases)

Subject Heading Searching

A targeted, specific way to search using a database's built-in controlled vocabulary 

Various databases have their own subject headings - i.e. CINAHL Headings in CINAHL and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in MEDLINE.  

Controlled vocabulary subject headings function like a thesaurus and will take into consideration synonyms, abbreviations, and variations in spelling

Typically retrieves fewer results than keyword searching, yet results are oftentimes more relevant  

VIDEO TUTORIALS: CINAHL & MeSH Subject Headings (for CINAHL and MEDLINE) | Browsing Subject Terms (for all other EBSCO databases)

Combining Search Terms Logically
Boolean Operators

Boolean operators provide a logical way to combine keyword or subject heading terms using AND, OR, or NOT

AND will narrow your search by combining two or more search terms together

OR will broaden your search by retrieving results with any of the terms you enter 

NOT will exclude designated terms from your results 

VIDEO TUTORIALS: CINAHL Advanced Searching (applicable for all EBSCO databases) | CINAHL and MeSH Subject Headings (for CINAHL and MEDLINE)

Keyword Search Techniques

Phrase Searching

Use of quotes will tell the database to retrieve results with that exact keyword phrase

"Algase Wandering Scale" 


Use of parentheses will group desired search terms together in combination with appropriate Boolean operators

(dementia OR "Alzheimer's disease") AND ("fall prevention" OR "fall risk assessment") 


Use of an asterisk * after the root of a keyword will search for various word endings 

nurs* will find nurse, nurses, nursing

anesth* will find anesthesiology, anesthetist, anesthesiologist 

Narrowing and Refining Search Results

After conducting a search in a database, you can filter, refine and narrow your search results by applying limiters. 

Limiters are often located along the left side of your database search results page. Select appropriate limiters that are relevant to your topic or your information need. 

In EBSCO databases, click the Show More link, located under Publication Date on the left side of the screen, to see an expanded menu of all limiters. 

Commonly applied limiters include publication date, type of article, age group, gender, etc.