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NURS 4610: Translating Evidence for Nursing Practice

This LibGuide is designed to assist students in the online RN-to-BSN program with EBP-related competencies in NURS 4610.

What is Evidence-Based Practice?


Schmidt, N.A., & Brown, J.M. (2022). Evidence-based practice for nurses (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett: Burlington, MA

NURS 4610 Competencies for Evidence-Based Practice

This LibGuide is designed to help you achieve the following competencies as a student in NURS 4610:  

Competency 2   Acquisition of Knowledge: Identifying Research Questions

Formulate a well-built clinical question using the PICOT template

Competency 3   Acquisition of Knowledge: Finding Sources of Evidence and Linking Theory, Research, and Practice

Select a library database and search for evidence for your PICOT question using Keyword and Subject Heading search techniques

Competency 9   Decision: Appraising Evidence to Determine Best Practice

Conduct critical appraisals of published sources of scientific evidence (research articles) to determine their strength and applicability to clinical practice.​

Competency 10   Putting it all Together

Integrate and synthesize evidence gathered from external sources to plan evidence-based practice changes.

Essential Library Links

Resources and Support for Distance Learners