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Margaret M. Papp Perry Memorial Hungarian Culture Endowment Collection: Home

The Margaret M. Perry Memorial Endowment Fund was established on December 28, 1988 by Dr. Richard Perry to "support the development of the collection of materials related to the Magyar-Hungarian people, their history and their culture."

About the Collection

The Margaret M. Perry Memorial Endowment Fund was established on December 28, 1988 by Dr. Richard Perry to "support the development of the collection of materials related to the Magyar-Hungarian people, their history and their culture."  The scope of the collection spans History, Literature, Art, and reference works.  A virtual exhibit and catalog has been created in 2011, and this can be accessed here: but all future development will continue on the Margaret M. Perry Memorial Endowment Collection Libguide.

Original Project Website








Contact Information:

Arjun Sabharwal, MA, MLIS
Professor / Digital Initiatives Librarian
University Libraries
CL 5036,Mail Stop 509
Carlson Library


Collection Scope

The Ward M. Canaday Center has housed over 300 work on the various subject areas:

Archaeology (some under Arts, others under Social Sciences and History); Architecture (under Arts); Art (Fine and Folk Art); Ethnology-ethnography (under Social Sciences); Folklore (under Literature); Geography (under Social Sciences);Government and politics (under History); History and auto/biography; Literature: poetry, novels, and Literary criticism; Music (Folk and art music) (under Arts); Philosophy (under Literature); Religion (under Literature); and Theatre and Film (under Literature)

University of Toledo Library Collections related to Hungary, Hungarian, and surrounding Cultures in Central Europe

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