Links to Web-based resources on the Internet related to Hungarian language, arts, humanities, and sciences were first collected in the context of this project. As with most Websites, they may migrate or disappear without any notices. While this guide is being monitored and updated, please feel free to contact Arjun Sabharwal if you discover any broken links. Thank you!
Digital Public Library of America: (keyword=hungar*); (keyword=magyar*)
Directory of Open Access Books (subject=Hungary)
Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület - Erdélyi Digitális Adattár - (Transylvanian Museum Fellowship - Transylvanian Data Repository)
Europeana (keyword=hungar*); (keyword=magyar*)
Internet Archive (keywords=hungar*); (keyword=magyar)
MaNDA: Magyar Nemzeti Digitális Archívum (Hungarian National Digital Archive)
OHIOLink - Central Library Catalog (subject=hungar*); (subject=magyar*)