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PubMed Search Guide

How to get full text of articles

The links to any available full text articles (through UToledo subscriptions) will only be available through searching PubMed at the PubMed@UToledo link.
This link is available through the  Mulford Library Quick Links menu. One may also find this link by typing PubMed in the Search catalog... box at the top of either the Carlson  or Mulford Library home page.

To access any available full text articles:

  • Go to the search results (list of citations)
  • Click on the desired article title
  • The  Find It @ UToledolink is the quickest way to locate an article
    • When available, other options work as well-->
    • Publisher web sites usually charge for access, exceptions are links labelled Free full text

If full text is not available:

  • Click on
  • Go to the left column and click on Search by title in the University of Toledo library catalog
  • If the article is not available, go to the right column and click on Get a copy via Interlibrary Loan

How to register for Interlibrary Loan privileges (ILLIAD)

UToledo affiliates (faculty,staff, students) are automatically registered in the library's Circulation database (checking out books and assessing databases off campus).

However, there is a separate database for Interlibrary Loans (ILLIAD).

To register for ILLIAD:

When your article arrives (always by email):

  • You will receive an email notice when the article has arrived
    The article will be included as an attachment (in the format supplied by the lending library, usually PDF)
  • All articles will also be sent to your ILLIAD account
    Click on ILLIAD (at the Mulford Library home page)  to retrieve the article
    Go to the left column and click on Electronically Received Articles

ILLIAD can also to be used to check on the status of article requests.

Questions regarding ILLIAD may be directed to Access Services (Circulation and Interlibrary Loan) at 419.383.4225; x7614, x7615.

Single Citation Matcher