The best way for UToledo affiliates to search PubMed is through the link PubMed@UToledo:
For a quick search, simply enter terms in the search box.
Click on Advanced under the search box to have more control over the search.
The best way to search PubMed is by using the MeSH Databse (consisting of MeSH, or Medical Subject Headings - see Explore menu at bottom of the page).
Using Advanced search:
To create a wildcard search in PubMed, use the asterisk (*) character to substitute for 0 or more characters in a term or phrase. For example, "vaccin* schedul*" will find results that include "vaccine schedule", "vaccine scheduling", "vaccination schedules", and more variations of this phrase.
To use wildcards in a phrase search, use any of the following formats:
Phrases can include more than one wildcard: "colo* cancer*"
Wildcard searching is documented in the PubMed User Guide.
*PubMed Update: Wildcard Search Improvements. NLM Tech Bull. 2024 May-Jun;(458):e5.
Often searches will contain more than one concept (as treating hypertension in diabetic patients)
Click on Advanced Search at the top of the page
Alternatively one may enter a number sign followed by the search number, e.g. #1, in the search box
A step-by-step guide to combining search results in PubMed is available.
See the Step-by-Step Searching in PubMed help sheet at
This blog features comprehensive PubMed searches combining keywords and MeSH terms. Visit the blog to browse or search for a pre-formulated search on your topic. You can then copy and paste the search into PubMed@UToledo and use the Advanced Search link at the top to combine the results into your own search strategy. Remember, the Mulford Reference Librarians can help you formulate a comprehensive search strategy as well!
A few recent search strategies featured on the blog include:
MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary.
The MesH database link may be found at the Pubmed home page under Resources.
When searching for a MeSH term (as Heart), the results will include
Refine a search through these options
Example of a Detailed MeSH Search:
PubMed Commons is a feature of PubMed which allows commenting on articles. To find articles with comments attached, search with
In addition to PubMed@UToledo, there are a variety of sites that let you search the data in PubMed or MEDLINE (sometimes combined with other data sources) using a different interface. Some emphasize relevancy searching, others quick access to full text, or helping you locate evidence based medicine. Even more alternative biomedical literature search tools (most incorporating MEDLINE data) can be explored and compared at this page.
The UToledo Health Science Librarians recommend PubMed@UToledo as the best place to start searching, but you may also find these sites useful.