SIX MAIN CC LICENSE COMBINATIONS based on the 4 basic restrictions/allowances.
cc-by: Only attribution is expected
cc-by-sa: Attribution, plus the expectation that you will allow others to share alike
cc-by-nc: Attribution, but no commercial use allowed
cc-by-nd: Attribution, but no derivative works allowed
cc-by-nc-sa: Attribution, plus no commercial use allowed, and the expectation that you will allow others to share alike
cc-by-nc-nd: Attribution, plus no commercial use allowed, and no derivative works allowed
Attribution (by)
ShareAlike (sa)
NonCommercial (nc)
NoDerivatives (nd)
Your intellectual property rights begin with you!
Many authors don't realize they can negotiate to retain certain rights to their created works simply by executing a copyright transfer agreement author's addendum as described by SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)
Site includes a downloadable template for you to begin to draft the rights you will retain as an author.
Browse some typical publisher copyright transfer agreements. For example, look at this CTA from Elsevier. (downloadable pdf)
As an author, look for the following before signing a CTA:
These items are negotiable!