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Insider's Guide to Mulford Health Science Library and the Health Science Campus: Pick the Right Study Space

Tips and hints for making the most of the Mulford Health Science Library and the Health Science Campus

Study Spaces in the Mulford Heath Science Library

Mulford Health Science Library is a quiet, study-intensive library, which may be different from your previous academic libraries. Unfortunately, our architecture doesn't allow for loud talkative areas for group study or socializing. There are a variety of study spaces in the Mulford Health Science Library (4th, 5th, and 6th floor north) for individual and quiet-conversation group study.

Problems with people disrupting the quiet environment? Use the Tell Mulford QR code on the library tables to let library staff know about the issue.

Individual Silent Study

These areas are for silent study because sound carries so easily. (If you are easily distracted by sounds, consider noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs; ask for a pair of disposable earplugs at the circ desk.

  • Study tables and carrels on the central part of the fifth floor; note: there are height-adjustable study carrels near the cell phone/stress-free zone
  • Height-adjustable study carrels in areas on either side of the central part of the fifth floor. These are great places if visual distractions are a challenge for you.
  • Rooms 519A and 519B - these rooms are for individual study (one person) only; they are not sound-proof, so do not use these rooms for conversations (in-person or virtual)
  • Landing under the main staircase - a couch, end tables, lamps, and charging outlets
Quiet-Conversation Group Study

.We do have some spaces for quiet-conversation group study.

  • In our index collection (the print version of PubMed covering older articles), outside of room 411, soft seating, electrical outlet
  • In our browsing collection, outside of room 417: small tables and soft seating, electrical outlet
  • Room 420: conference room, has a whiteboard and a projector - bring a laptop and checkout the tech box* for the room at the circ desk
  • Room 502: conference room; whiteboard and monitor - bring a laptop and checkout the tech box* for the room at the circ desk
  • Room 505: group study room with whiteboard
  • Room 511: conference room with whiteboard
  • Room 519C: group study room with monitor - bring laptop and checkout the tech box* for the room at the circ desk
  • Room 520: conference room with whiteboard and monitor - bring a laptop and checkout the tecb box* for the room at circ desk
  • Collaborative study space: 6th floor north; plenty of whiteboards with tables that seat 4 or 6. This space feels like you could have a loud study group meeting, but no. Sounds carries from this space down to the 4th and 5th floors.

An individual may use these rooms; however a group of students has priority over individuals because we have so few group study rooms. Also, the room might be reserved; check the posted schedule outside of the room.

* Each room has a unique tech box; make sure you ask for the right one at checkout.

Study (and Socializing) Spaces on the Health Science Campus

There are a number of other spaces on the Health Science Campus for study and socializing.

  • The Bryan Lounge (AKA the Treehouse) - third floor of the Mulford Annex - this recently renovated space is designed for quiet study; it also has a microwave and refrigerators for your lunch. You will also find a book swap, where you may be able to find next semester's textbooks! (just be careful to take the right edition). This space can be accessed using your Rocket ID badge.
  • Lounge on the first floor of the Mulford Annex - this lounge has soft seating, high-top tables, and a television. Because it is outside of the Admissions and Diversity offices, this should be used for individual or quiet-conversation study/socializing during the workday.
  • The Academic Enrichment Center Lounge - basement of the Mulford Annex - this lounge is great for socializing and loud group study. The natural light in the space is amazing, and when the weather is nice, you can study and relax outside.
  • Alumni Lounge - basement of the Mulford Library Building; perfect for socializing and relaxing. This space can be accessed using your Rocket ID badge.
  • First-floor lounge in the Wolfe Center - soft seating and high-top tables
  • Simulation Center - there are a number of study spaces on the first, second, and third floors
  • First-floor lounges in the Collier Building - in both of the hallways to either side of the elevator, there are small study tables and soft seating.
  • First floor of Health Education Building - small lounge outside of room 100, close to room 103; also an open computer lab on the back side of room 100, close to room 105
  • Four Seasons Cafe - first floor of the hospital; get a snack and grab a table; this area can be very loud and busy during lunchtime. It also has music overhead, so you may need to bring your noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs (we have disposable earplugs at our circ desk).
Serenity/Meditation Spaces

Technically these aren't study spaces, but they are available if you need some quiet space for mediation or prayer. Use these spaces to tend to your spiritual wellness. .

  • Serenity Room - first floor of the Health Education Building, in room 107B, behind the front of room 100
  • Meditation Room - 2nd floor of the hospital, Room 2187, across from the elevators. Because this supports pastoral care at the medical center, it may be busier than the Serenity Room.