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BIOSIS Previews Database: Need More Help?

A guide to searching BIOSIS Previews, a combined index of biology journal articles from Biological Abstracts and supplemental, non-journal content

By Phone

Reference librarians also answer questions over the telephone. Telephone numbers for reference questions are: 

  • Mulford Health Science Library: (419) 383-4218

Please remember, however, that the person in the library comes first; we may be away from the phone helping another patron. Please leave a message on our voice mail system with your question and a number where we can reach you.

Getting Help In Person

Each library location maintains its own reference staff and schedule:

  • To get reference assistance at Mulford Health Science Library, stop at the Access Services desk at the entrance on the fourth floor of Mulford Library.  A reference librarian is on call Monday through Friday, 11:00am-4:00 pm.

Chat with a Librarian: Main Campus

Chat with a librarian in the Carlson Library Reference Department.  If we are not online, see below for alternate means to contact us. 

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For information on how to reach us in person, by phone, or by e-mail, see the Ask a Librarian page.