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BIOSIS Previews Database: BA/BIOSIS Step-By-Step

A guide to searching BIOSIS Previews, a combined index of biology journal articles from Biological Abstracts and supplemental, non-journal content

Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS Previews Step-By-Step Search Guide

This guide will walk you through a sample search in the database Biosis Previews. For more detailed information on the Biosis Previews database, please contact a UToledo librarian.

Our topic: We are looking for research articles to determine which animal models are used to study Alzheimer’s disease.

Step 1:  From the menu on the library’s web page (, go to the All Databases link.

Step 2: From the listing of databases, click on the Biology link

Step 3: From the databases listed, click on BIOSIS Previews (includes Biological Abstracts):

(Click on images to enlarge)




Now that we are on BIOSIS Preview let's start a search.

STEP 1: On the BIOSIS Previews search page, type in animal model$ (we are using the truncation symbol $ to look for animal models, animal model, etc.):

STEP 2: Click on the Search button, then click Back To Search.

STEP 3: Next, do another search for Alzheimer's disease.

STEP 4: To bring our two searches together, click on Search History:

STEP 5: Once in your search history, click on Advanced Search.

STEP 6: To combine, click in the boxes to the left of the sets, then choose And from the drop-down menu:


STEP 7: The sets have now been combined. On that same page above the Session Quieries, click the search button. 


 To find articles published within the past 5 years, select Publication Years in the Refine Results menu, select the years, and select the Refine button to see the new results:

 To limit our search to articles written in English only, click on scroll down to find Languages in the Refine Results menu, select your language and then select the Refine button to see the new results: