Technologies (devices, web sites, apps, etc) are included as a service to Prevent T2 participants, PreventT2 or the University of Toledo do NOT recommend or support any particular technologies.
Food intake, fitness, and other personalized tracking. Reports on macro- and micronutrient intake. Text-based and video educational/motivational materials (nutrition, fitness, goal-setting, stress management, etc.). Social support through groups. Supports integration of activity tracker data. Web-based and/or app. Free with an option of fee-based coaching,
Food tracker. Special feature: scan a barcode and it will give the product a grade reflecting how healthy (or not) a product is. Provides a list of alternate food items that are healthier.
Information on why Fooducate was started, how it works, and who's behind it. (Conflict of interest is very common problem in the health and wellness industry, and we need to be aware of it.)
App for meditation: guided meditations, music, and personalized timer. Guided meditations range from secular to spiritual. Note: not everything in the guided meditations is supported by scientific evidence. Free; paid supporters receive additional features. Available for iOS and Android