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Animal Research Alternatives: Obtaining Journal Articles

To support research scientists in searching the literature in order to comply with the Animal Welfare Act (7USC 2131-2156)

How to find an article (even with incomplete information)

The Mulford Library subscribes to a large number of biomedical journals, most articles within these journals are available online.

If the journal title is known, search for the journal title in the UToledo Library catalog.

Most journals allow for searching with most of the following: article title words, author, volume, issue, starting page number

If only partial citation information is known, consider...

Article Requests

OhioLINK databases (as PubMed, SCI, Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS) have links associated with citations/abstracts.
Click on Get a copy via Interlibary Loan to request a copy of the article through Interlibrary Loan.

Use ILLIAD to order articles in databases that do not have