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Animal Research Alternatives: Database Search Help

To support research scientists in searching the literature in order to comply with the Animal Welfare Act (7USC 2131-2156)

Database search tips - Animal Research Alternaitves

  • Select an appropriate database depending on your topic (Database selection guide)
  • Focus your search by consulting a database's unique help pages.
    Some databases will have related UToledo library help guides [box to the right]

  • Go back to the completed  Worksheet for Animal Testing Literature Searching - Before searching the literature.
    Return to the Listing of Keywords/Concepts

  • If the database has a thesaurus, use the generated keywords to find subject headings.
  • Use keywords if no relevant subject headings are found, or if there are too few results
    Consider using keywords and subject headings for more complete search results.
    Use wildcards to search for variant endings (model* will search for model, models, modeling, etc.).
    Wildcard characters *,#, $) vary among databases.

  • Start with single concepts.
    Use AND to narrow the search  (primate AND replacement)
    Use OR  to broaden the search (pain OR stress OR well-being)
  • Use available limits in the database when appropriate (time period, type of article, etc.)

[Adapted from: UC Davis Center for Animal Alternatives Information]

Specific Database Help - Animal Research Alternatives

Most databases have help pages. The Mulford Library has created a number of additional help guides for these databases mentioned in this guide:

APA Psycinfo

Web of Science