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Engineering: Chemical

Books, databases and tutorials to aid in locating engineering information


Open Access Engineering Textbooks

Solvent Property Data

Open Access Journals


Web of Knowledge

Search Web of ScienceSM

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Using Special Features in the Knovel Database

This video shows how to use the GET Search and Interactive Tools features of Knovel. For assistance with basic searching with Knovel contact a librarian.

Engineering Case Studies

Material Property Data

Bulk Chemical Pricing

Finding prices for bulk chemicals is difficult.  Many sources are intended for business use and not priced for academic users. Listed below are some free sources to try.

Other sources of bulk chemical pricing

After trying the resources above, you might also try keyword searching business databases like Business Source Complete . Use the the name of the chemical and the word "price" in the search. The full-text of some of the chemical industry trade publications can be searched in LexisNexis Academic ["Sources" along left column -> "Browse Sources" -> Country (All Countries) -> Topics (Chemicals) -> Industry & Markets -> Industry Trade Press -> then select and search the full-text of one or more of the 30 publications listed (e.g., Chemical News & Intelligence, Chemical Week, ICIS, etc.). 

Finding Technical Reports

Conference Proceedings


For sources of information & books on biomass & biofuels see the following LibGuide: Biofuels