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Guide to using Embase - an international biomedical and pharmaceutical database

Drug Search - Embase additional options (same as QuickStart)



  •  Select Drug from Quick Search options  at the Embase Home page
  • Enter a term or phrase in the search box, as "low molecular weight heparin"


Two ways to narrow search

  • Mapping options for additional terms and/or text
  • Options to the right of Mapping  as Date, Source (Embase or Medline), Fields (as author), Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)

More information at

  • Search Tips (to the right of the search options)
  • Help button at the upper right corner of Embase

More information on drug fields and headings on pages 7-9 of the 2015 Embase Indexing Guide

Go to Refining Embase Search Results to further limit search results

Embase Guides for Drug Search

Embase 102 - Searching in Embase (p.6)

From p.7 of Embase Indexing Guide 2015

Drug terms are index terms used for all drugs and chemicals: not only therapeutic drugs, but also endogenous compounds, laboratory chemicals and environmental chemicals or toxins. It is important to realise that “drugs” as defined in Embase may refer to any chemical entity.

Clinical drugs. Clinical drugs are defined as compounds, factors or preparations that are in clinical use, or have a potential clinical use, as therapeutic, palliative, prophylactic or diagnostic agents. They are indexed in greater depth than other drug terms, by which is meant both that they are indexed even when they are not the primary focus of the article, provided at least some significant information is available, and that they are generally modified using drug subheadings as described in Section

Drug group names. Drug group names (e.g. antineoplastic agent) are indexed if the group as a whole is discussed, or when they are required as “umbrella terms” for candidate drug terms (see Section 5.4).

Other drug terms. Drug terms that do not fall under the above definition of clinical drugs (for example endogenous compounds) follow the same indexing policy as general terms: they are indexed when relevant to the article.

Videos - Embase Drug Searches



More Embase Videos (including Searching for Adverse Effects) at Elsevier Embase.