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Guide to using Embase - an international biomedical and pharmaceutical database

How is Embase Indexed

From the Embase Help Topic How is Embase indexed?  **

Fully indexed records in Embase (excluding MEDLINE records licensed from the National Library of Medicine) are manually indexed using the full text of each article. Index terms identified by trained indexers with a biomedical background are controlled against Emtree before being added to Embase records. Indexed records are available online within two weeks (on average) from receipt of the journal issue.

For licensed MEDLINE records, index terms assigned by the NLM from the MeSH thesaurus are mapped to Emtree.

Articles in Press, In-Process records and Conference abstracts are automatically indexed. Please refer to the Embase Indexing Guide for more information.





Last updated on 30/07/2018 09.35 AM