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EndNote Library Management

One Page Introduction with UToledo Customizations

Getting Started with EndNote: Journals Lists, Filters, and Styles

***IMPORTANT: Before adding citations to your EndNote library***

Journal Term Lists: Some styles require the use of National Library of Medicine or other journal title abbreviations. The journal term list feature in EndNote is used to perform automatic substitution of abbreviated journal names in formatted bibliographies.  EndNote comes loaded with journal term lists and are available in the EndNote folder where you installed the program.

To import a term list file to Endnote:

  1. Open the library with which you want to use the journal list.
  2. First, from the Edit > Preferences > Term Lists screen, uncheck the 'Update lists during data entry' option.
  3. From the EndNote menu, select Library > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List.
  4. From the Term List window, select List > Delete List…
  5. Then, select Create List... > Type in the name of the new list -- Journals, then put a check in the Journals box.
  6. Click on Import List and select the desired file to import (medical.txt). If you are on a Mac, browse to Applications >> EndNote >> Terms to find medical.txt.
  7. Then close the Term Lists window. [NOTE: list includes NLM, BIOSIS, Chem Abs, and L'Annee philologique abbreviations.]

Filters: A filter tells EndNote how to import references from online databases and catalogs. Without the correct filter, EndNote will not be able to import references. EndNote automatically comes installed with many filters. If you need a filter that doesn't come with EndNote, visit to obtain additional filters.

Output Styles: Output styles tell EndNote how to format citations. Styles are available for individual journals or for general styles (APA, AMA, NLM, Chicago, etc.). Without the correct style, EndNote will not be able to properly format your citations. EndNote automatically comes with many output styles. However, there may be styles that you may need that do not come with EndNote. Visit to obtain additional output styles.

Optimizing EndNote for finding Full Text Articles: Before you begin using EndNote, make changes to the Full Text Preferences to allow access to full-text resources licensed by OhioLINK through the EBSCO Linksource.