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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in various components of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Search for Books at the UToledo Libraries


      The library's core collection of print books are located on the New Book Shelf and Browsing Book Collection on the 4th floor of the Mulford Library.

      You can search for both print and electronic books in our catalog (see below). 

Go to the UToledo Libraries Online Catalog to begin searching for books. You can search according to the following fields:

To limit your search results to E-Books, click Limit/Sort Search then select E-BOOK under Material Type. Also see E-Book Resources to search or browse for electronic book titles. 

Search for Books in the UToledo Libraries Catalog

Not Finding a Book You Need? Request Books

Search the OhioLINK catalog to see if the book you need is available from another library.  Click the REQUEST THIS ITEM link to have the book sent to the UToledo Libraries location of your choice (i.e. Mulford Health Science Library or Carlson Library). 

If you still cannot locate the book in OhioLINK, submit an Interlibrary Loan request. 

Find and Request Books from OhioLINK Libraries

"For how long can I check-out print books?"

Status How long?* Renewals? How many out at a time?
(Undergraduate & Graduate)
4 weeks up to 4 50
Faculty & Staff
(including Preceptors & Volunteer Faculty)
16 weeks 1 Full time: Unlimited
Part time: 100
OhioLINK materials 3 weeks
(6 weeks for faculty)
up to 6**  

*for most items... Reserves, multimedia, and some other materials have shorter loan periods.

**Renewals may not be allowed if a patron at the original OhioLINK lending library places a hold.

E-Book Resources

Submit Book Suggestions

Our best suggestions for new books come from our students, faculty and staff at UToledo!  Please submit any new book recommendations by completing the Suggest a Purchase Form or e-mail your suggestions to