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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in various components of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Finding and Accessing Journal Articles

Consult the side menu on the left side of the page for information, tutorials, and step-by-step guidance on the following topics:

  • Research Databases for Finding Articles: Knowing where to search for articles is equally as important as knowing how to search for articles. Connect to library databases for finding articles published in professional, scholarly journals in a variety of nursing and health sciences specialties. 
  • Searching the CINAHL Database: Not sure where to start searching? Start with CINAHL. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) is a classic and essential resource for locating articles in nursing journals and other related health sciences fields.
  • Building a Search Strategy: Learn how to structure and organize your search terms to find comprehensive results using keywords, subject headings, Boolean logic, truncation, and other techniques. 
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles: Follow these steps to ensure that the articles you find are from peer-reviewed journals. 
  • Articles in Nursing Journals: Interested in research from nursing content experts? Narrow your search results to articles published in nursing journals only and/or articles written by nurses (but published in non-nursing journals). 
  • Accessing Full-Text Articles: So, you've found lots of wonderful article titles and abstracts, and now you're ready to sit down and read them in their entirety. Learn how to access full-text articles seamlessly through the UToledo Libraries resources.