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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in all aspects of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Selected List of Relevant Databases by Subject

The following is a selected list of relevant research databases. 

Explore all library databases by title or subject here

Databases What You Can Find Tutorials
Nursing/Health Sciences/Medicine
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature)
  • Articles in nursing, medical, and health sciences journals
  • Books, nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, drug records, research instruments
  • 3600+ active indexed and abstracted journals, 3100+ are peer-reviewed. 
Cochrane Library
  • Includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, a gold standard resource for systematic reviews of research literature on health care and health policy
  • Comprehensive index to biomedical literature with especially strong coverage on drug trials
  • Covers over 2,700 journals and thousands of searchable conference abstracts not in MEDLINE
  • Also includes current MEDLINE and OLDMEDLINE records


MEDLINE is available in various search interfaces: 

  • National Library of Medicine's index to journal literature.
  • Covers a broad range of biomedical, life sciences, and health care disciplines, including articles in nursing journals
  • 5000+ indexed and abstracted journals

EBSCOhost interface

OVID interface

OVID Nursing Full-Text Plus
  • Index to nursing literature combined with a nursing subset of MEDLINE records
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium
  • Index to literature in nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and related fields
PubMed @ UT 
  • PubMed includes the MEDLINE index as well as citations to newer articles not yet indexed in versions from other vendors (such as Ovid EBSCOhost MEDLINE)
  • By accessing PubMed through the PubMed @ UT link, UToledo users can connect to full-text articles not available through the public URL
  • Point-of-care resource providing summaries of clinical information
  • For important information on how to access UpToDate, click here
Web of Science
  • Portal to several databases that index scholarly and technical literature in the sciences and social sciences
Education Full-Text
  • Covers a broad range of education topics
  • Includes citations/abstracts to articles in 1,000+ journals

Education Research Complete
  • Topics covered include all levels of curriculum instruction from early childhood to higher education
  • Full text provided for over 750 journal titles
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Comprehensive index to a variety of literature and resources in education
Gender Studies
Gender Studies Database
  • Index to literature on women's studies, men's studies and sexual diversity issues


LGBTQ+ Source
  • Index to worldwide literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other related topics
Women's Studies International
  • Index to literature in women's studies and feminism
  • Thorough coverage of all behavioral science and mental health topics
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
  • Covers a broad range of topics including emotional and behavioral characteristics, mental processes, psychological and psychiatric disorders
Sociology/Social Work
  • Comprehensive index to scholarly literature in sociology and related fields

Sociological Collection
  • Index to scholarly journals in sociology