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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in all aspects of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Need Help with Research? Ask Your Nursing Librarian

Welcome to the Mulford Health Science Library at The University of Toledo!  

Your Nursing Librarian is Jodi Jameson, MLIS. Jodi is happy to assist you with your research and information needs, including the following:

  • Getting started with research. Identifying a topic, formulating a research question, and selecting relevant resources. 
  • Finding and evaluating information. Accessing journal articles, books, guidelines, and more. 
  • Searching databases. Crafting effective database search strategies to find studies in peer-reviewed journals. 
  • Reviewing the literature. Conducting a literature review, including critically appraising and synthesizing the evidence. 
  • Organizing what you find. Managing and organizing your sources using EndNote software and other tools. 


      Phone: 419.383.5152

      Walk-In: 4th Floor, Mulford Library, M-F 8:30 am - 5 pm (inquire at the Circulation Desk)

      Schedule a virtual or in-person consultation:


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